Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things #20

I can see how people could spend a great deal of time browsing YouTube with the seemingly inexhaustible supply of video content!  I entered John Deere 720 into the search box because of my interest in antique John Deere tractors.  (I also tried Antique Tractors and got some hits that allowed me to narrow my search to my favorite, John Deere.)  I found it very interesting that people interested in antique tractors would make a video and post it on the web using some of the newest technology.  The combination of old and new is a wonderful mix.

The process was time consuming, but not difficult.  I finally let the embed load while I went to sleep.  This morning it was on my blog, all three attempts.

One use that jumps out at me is to embed a video of how to conduct a search using the OPAC.  It seems the same students struggle each week to find a book in the allotted time.  I anticipate there would be a great deal of "play" time spent for a few weeks, that would be fine if the embed could help them improve their search strategies. 

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