Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gaols 2008-2009

Goals/Lyle Metzler

Type Goal #1 Collaborate by grade level to conduct a research unit as specified by the curriculum.

Define the research topic.

Teach the research cycle in the library.

Determine with grade level the part of grading the librarian does.

Librarian and classroom teacher continue to collaborate while students conduct research both in the library and on line in the computer lab.

Type Goal #2 Maintain existing level of circulation.

Organize the students to participate in Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club.

Organize a Holiday Reading Club from December 12, 2006 to January 5, 2007.

Organize the school to participate in the Bluebonnet Reading Program.

Organize the students to participate in Book-It.

Type Goal #3 Teach a variety of technologies to students for use while conducting research and publishing findings.

Teach and provide guided practice while students use technologies to find information to answer the questions in the Research Cycle.

Teach and assist students to report using Power Point.

Teach and assist students to report using i-Movie.

Teach and assist students using Word.

Collaborate with classroom teachers on lessons using the Promethean Board.

Type Goal #4 Engage, direct, and encourage students, individually and in groups, in extensive problem-driven research with real-world application.

Work collaboratively with classroom teachers to define the problem to research.

Model, teach, guide and assist students to locate, synthesize, and integrate information from multiple resources, in a variety of formats to draw conclusions and create a product.

Use technology to present newly acquired knowledge.

Use various criteria, such as logical validity, factual accuracy, and distorted evidence to evaluate various forms of inform